I am an interior designer. I design with my clients the backdrop in which they will live in their homes. I design the apartments I live in as an ongoing project. I think that after so much investment in the backdrop, an investment of money, time, and thought, I sometimes forget to live in it and enjoy it.

Time passes and we forget to host dear friends, forget to play with the kids and mess up the beautifully designed room we prepared for them, forget to love in the luxurious sheets we bought, or just forget to enjoy a fragrant bath and a quality towel. Luckily, we can’t forget to eat in the equipped kitchen…

At this point, most of us already know how to live right. We have the insights, and we know what can do us good… we don’t really need a book or a workshop, just a reminder from time to time. No dramatic change, everything in small doses… going to sleep earlier, exercising again, or calling good friends and just meeting up.

Just before Alma was born, the three of us met at my house. [Shira Ganani](https://evenyaru.com/) is our architectural pillar, DIY goddess, and writes the blog ‘Evenyaru’. [Karen Bar](https://karenb.co.il/) is a super talented interior designer and a creative and prolific blogger (and fertile ;-)).
All three of us have amazing boys at home and sweet daughters in the belly.
Yes, it was planned. To go through pregnancies together and share maternity leave soon. It materialized with timing that surprised even us.

So we met to celebrate female friendship. We enjoyed the free morning, a cake we hadn’t treated ourselves to in a while (that’s how it is with a second pregnancy – you learn to be careful…) and especially a good girls’ chat.
Our lives can be full of satisfaction, but it’s just not the same without a girls’ chat that makes all the difference.

Believe me, you don’t want to miss [Shira’s tutorial](https://evenyaru.com/) on these stunning cork trays and [Karen’s excellent post](https://karenb.co.il/2015/12/24/%D7%A9%D7%9C%D7%95%D7%A9-%D7%9E%D7%A2%D7%A6%D7%91%D7%95%D7%AA-%D7%95%D7%A1%D7%A2%D7%A8%D7%94-%D7%91%D7%9B%D7%95%D7%A1-%D7%AA%D7%94/) on styling.
All photos were taken by [Shira Ganani](https://evenyaru.com/).